
Showing posts from March, 2014


So I know it’s unreasonable, even sociopathic.  But as March 2014 is Caffeine Awareness Month , now seems like a really good time to share my feelings on the subject of ‘to-go-coffee’ culture, or more specifically, the people (by which I mean tosspots) who partake in it.   I mean, what’s the deal with ‘to-go coffee’ anyway? Is anybody really so busy micro-managing the shit out of everybody else that they can’t SIT THE FUCK DOWN at the table like any other self-respecting human being? Huh? Or is rushing around the place clutching a signature Triple Grande Quad Shot Espresso Macchiato With Ten Extra Shots of Salted Caramel JIZZ Foam seen as proof of one's success? A way of communicating to others that you are too important, too indispensable, to sit still? It’s not that I don’t appreciate the need for caffeine, of course.   It’s just that as with most things in life, there’s a time, and there’s a place. Take the other day. There I was, strolling around the plac...